
Friday, June 25, 2021

Paper-in-Air Challenge


I want to find out how to keep in the air the longest


. A4 paper


Thursday, June 24, 2021

Skittle Colours


I want to find what happens when you put skittles in water.



.  8x skittles

. Warm Water

. Petri dish

. Beaker 

. Paper towel



  1. Get your equipment
  2. Put the skittles into the petri dish
  3. spread them around the sides
  4. Clean the beaker
  5. GENTLY pour the water in the middle of the petri dish so that it is full
Observe what happens

when you put the water in the dish the skittles dissolve into the middle and were mixed. 

Why did the color dissolve?

Because all of the molecules spreed like when someone gets scared they freak out so that's why. But when it dissolve into the middle. And   


P.E. 2021

 This term in P.E. we did porn ;flajhafshajfbhkajdfbsfbu;sfbkjdflidfuaibadklfjbgapiufvefrghpbuaefbadfkjlbkdafjn

Friday, June 4, 2021

Gummy Bear Osmosis


I want to find out what happens when gummy bears are put in liquids. 



. Gummy Bears

. Salt Water

. Water

. Sugar Water

. 2 petri dishers

. Marker pen

. Electronic Scales


  1. Get your equipment 
  2. Were safety glasses 
  3. Using a maker pen, write your name and the conditions and the weight of gummy bear.
  4. Do the experiment
This is what will happen when you pore the water into your containers
now what for 24 hours. And see the results.


The water gummy bear gained the most wait.
 There are little bites of holes in them like a gate way. The water molecules and the salt and sugar molecules are different sizes. The Water molecules are smaller than the salt and sugar molecules so the water molecules can go in the bear. To make it expand. And the salt and sugar are bigger so they can't go in